Voicebot will elevate your campaigns
Artificial intelligence on the customer phone line that can quickly call a lot of your customers. Voicebot will call where you need it and handle even unpleasant calls. Notify about upcoming due dates or find out the satisfaction of your customers.
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Meet the ideal operator
Voicebot can handle up to 100 calls at the same time. It can call thousands of contacts per hour.
One-time campaigns
If you need to make a one-time call to a database many times larger than your internal capacity, voicebot is the right choice.
CRM integration
So that the voicebot always has the most up-to-date information, it uses data from your CRM. He can thus solve the customer's problem in the best possible way.
Lower your costs
to a minimum
Thanks to the work of a voicebot, you can reduce your operating costs by 81 %.
Scale your business effectively
up to 70k
contacted customers
up to 100 %
success rate in handling of outgoing calls
Available day and night, responds immediately
If you want, your voicebot can be available to customers around the clock. If further help is needed, we collect important information and give it to you, for example in the form of a ticket.
100 % SLA
Each customer will be given the opportunity to solve their queries with voicebot in a few seconds or will be transferred to the right department or operator.
We will launch the voicebot within 4 weeks
6 days
Scenario specification, technical specification, budget approval, setting of acceptance criteria.
2 weeks
Scenario creation
Creation of automation scenarios, internal testing, technical connection, linking to CRM.
1 week
Feedback incorporation, approval of acceptance criteria.
1 day
Increased supervision during the first days, always the latest updates, support is always available.
You can set up campaign calls easily
Data transfer
Choose how you want to transfer data:
  • Through the API
  • Directly from your system
  • Manually in CSV in one click
Campaign parameters
Select additional campaign parameters:
  • Specific call time and days
  • How many times to call the customer
  • Ring time length
  • Number of parallel calls
Start a campaign
Now you can call!

If the customer calls back, they call the number 24/7/365, so you don't lose any communication.
Want to have time for your customers?
Schedule a meeting with us to find out how best to automate your company's communications in 30 minutes.
Schedule a demo